Some may be wondering why we are meeting in an undisclosed location.

Those who know about our church know that PWBC had been protested consistently for almost two years. The group, Houston United Front Against Fascism, would yell accusations against church members as they walked in and out of church. They would also protest our property manager's offices in an attempt to get us evicted. At the end of the day though, they did not get us kicked out.

On September 1st, 2024, Pastor Jonathan Shelley ordained me as pastor of Pure Words Baptist Church. On the same day, he handed me signed paperwork making me the legal director of the church. Shortly after, Pastor Steven Anderson's adult children started publicly revealing online the abusive behavior of their father and mother. Pastor Steven Anderson (PSA) had ordained Pastor Shelley, my sending pastor. I felt obligated to disassociate myself from PSA by publicly calling him out. When Pastor Shelley started excusing and dismissing the abusive actions of PSA, I felt it was my responsibility to separate myself from him also because of this huge moral issue of spousal and child abuse.

Pastor Jonathan Shelley started retaliating immediately, preaching against me openly in sermons and railing against me online. The drama came to a head when on Friday, October 11th, he took $25,000 from the PWBC bank account and broke our lease with the property management company. He had not taken himself out of the bank account as he had told me he would. He did not give any warning before making these attacks against this church. That afternoon, I went by the church and found that the lock had been changed and someone had put a padlock on the door. The property manager told me that neither he nor the landlord had done this. Pastor Shelley had someone lock us out of the church.

He eventually sent a check for the money back, but the breaking of the lease was not something that could be undone. The property manager was relieved to have us out of there because of the protesters. So, this is how we got kicked out. We are meeting in an undisclosed location for the time being. For more details watch this interview with Rediscover Podcast: